Monday, May 27, 2013

Accidental Runner

It all started in 2010. I had been losing weight with the Take Shape for Life program and was about half way through about a 100# weight loss. I began working with a business coach on a business project I was developing. I had 2 business coaches, one a long time friend and the other her mentor in coaching, Becky. Becky had never met me before our first phone call and by virtue of the fact we were not meeting on video chat, she had now idea what I looked like. But as part of the process she asked, "How are you physically?"

Huh? I really didn't understand the question.... She explained that I had to be in good physical shape to have the stamina needed to do the things my business would need to get it started. So she asked again, "so how are you physically".

At first I chuckled under my breath and then sighed, "well, I've been losing weight , about 45# at this point, and I guess I'm ready to up my exercise game......" So she offered me an idea, "Would you consider training with me and some other ladies for a half marathon?"  Me, "Yep, I could do that."  WHAT DID I JUST DO!!!!!!!!  Well, I didn't know if I could actually do that or not but soon decided that even if I didn't make it , I would certainly be better off for trying. This gave me what I like to call "Fun Accountability"

So I started a training regimen, first on my own, then I joined a run/walk/run group from my local running store, competed in my first 5K and finally  ...... I celebrated my first Half Century with my first Half Marathon!  Yep I did it!  It was a Disney World Half Marathon and I finished in 3:38:39 and I wasn't the last one!

Long story short, I have continued to run. I have completed 3 half marathons now and a sprint distance triathlon.  So now I'm working on running a half in every state.

So, where will you go once you get started?  Will you be better off for simply trying?